Exercise impacts health and well-being

Treatment of diseases

The exercise card is a treatment resource for diseases or symptoms of diseases that regular exercise is known to have a significant impact on.

A team of health care professionals and/or doctors assesses the symptoms and condition of an individual, who is then referred to a physiotherapist at the health care centre,

Upon meeting an physiotherapist:

  • An individual’s health history and illness symptoms, habits and motivations are reviewed
  • Possibilities and ability to exercise are discussed and evaluated together
  • Goals are set and an exercise plan is prepared, usually for three or six months. The exercise plan is based on motivation and ability, as well as recommendations on the amount and vigor of recommended exercise as treatment for the individual’s illness. 

Supervision and encouragement

The individual registers their exercise electronically and the physiotherapist monitors the progression, administers supervision and encouragement with phone conversations and messages in Heilsuvera.  

At the end of the prescribed exercise period, the doctor/team receives a report from the physiotherapist, and the next time an individual visits the doctor/team, the results of the treatment are evaluated on the basis of various health measurements, among other things. The exercise card period can last up to one year.

Make an appointment at your health centre if you think an exercise card might help you. 

Your health care centre’s website contains information about the physiotherapist. 

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